主题配置: 主页

VitePress 提供主页布局。想要使用,你需要在你的根目录index.mdYAML frontmatter中定义home: true并加上其他元数据。

home: true
heroImage: /logo.png
heroAlt: Logo image
heroText: Hero Title
tagline: Hero subtitle
actionText: Get Started
actionLink: /guide/
  - title: Simplicity First
    details: Minimal setup with markdown-centered project structure helps you focus on writing.
  - title: Vue-Powered
    details: Enjoy the dev experience of Vue + webpack, use Vue components in markdown, and develop custom themes with Vue.
  - title: Performant
    details: VitePress generates pre-rendered static HTML for each page, and runs as an SPA once a page is loaded.
footer: MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2019-present Evan You